
Can anyone help me analyse this game?

I'm interested to know if anyone is willing to help me out on analyzing this game. We could do it over discord or any other way you'd prefer.
8 Bg3? is passive. 8 Nbd2! develops a piece. Compared to the game you give him the move Nbd7 for free.
12 Rb1? is passive. A rook is too strong a piece to guard a pawn. Just trade his central knight 12 Nxe4! dxe4 13 Ng5 Nf6 14 Rh4, asailing his pawn e4.
At the end of this 8+0 time control both of you had 5 useless minutes left on your clocks, i.e. both of you played as if it were 3+0 superblitz.
Thank you for your comment. I played Bg3 on move 8 because I've seen that played very often in London system. Your suggestion 8 Nbd2 is a very natural developing move but I'll tell you my thought process on why I played Bg3 because other wise it would result in 8 Bxf4 exf4 and eventually I'd have to play g3 to protect the pawn and without the light square bishop it would make my light squares weak.
If you wanted to avoid 8. ...Bxf4, why didn't you play Bxd6 ? This way you wouldn't have ended with doubled pawns on g-file either. And after the exchange it would have been your move, instead of Black's (8. ...Bxg3 9. hxg3 - Black to move, vs 8. Bxd6 Qxd6 - White to move)
I disagree with #2 and #4- I agree with you, Draco, that 8. Bg3 is the correct move to make. You're right in not enjoying the doubled "f" pawns that could arise. They may not be bad, but why have to deal with them? The doubled "g" pawns in fact help White, as his rook has an open file for scope, and if castles, White's king position is not easy to break. I disagree with #4 because while you have a valid argument, like I mentioned above, the doubled pawns on the g file favor White, and if you take 8. Bxd6, you've allowed Black to develop his queen for free. Maybe another interesting move to consider is 8. Be5!?, if he takes your bishop, you can get the knight on "e5", and support with moves like f4, Nd2-f3, etc. If Black doesn't take, the white bishop will temporarily cramp Black's position.

Overall, very well done on this game. A bludgeoning queenside attack that Black defended wrong killed him. I still remember when I was around 1700, I got killed on the Black side by a very similar queenside attack. Horrifying experience :)
Bg3 is an automatic move in the london system, the doubled g pawns dont turn out to be a weakness.
plus u gonna be more familiar playing this pawn structure as your opponent most of the time, as SungJiHyun-Korea already mentioned its not easy to attack whites king.
@SungJiHyun-Korea Thank you very much for your wonderful insight. 8 Be5 is an interesting move, I'll definitely try that in my future games, much more flexible than Bg3.

Also thank you for the compliment. I was around 1500 rapid for almost 5 months, I finally decided to study a little bit of opening theory and my ratings shot up to ~1600.
Bg3 is theory in many lines in London, e.g. this:

1. d4 d5
2. Bf4 Nf6
3. e3 e6
4. Nf3 Bd6
5. Bg3...

is mainline stuff and Bxg3 favors white.
#7 @DracoMortiferum Nice! Keep working hard! Now to clarify, in my opinion the Bg3 move, as mentioned above by many already, is the main line- a key move in the London when Black plays Bd6. Be5 is probably not the best move, but it is an interesting move to keep in mind! Good luck!

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